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Shout Out to the Real IT Gurus

Help me see how these analytics make sense.

"Going Places" art painting drawing, by artist Joan A Brown

Shout Out to the Real IT Gurus Do See What I See?

I recently recreated and uploaded my art channel and was in the process of downloading a copy of my account data when I noticed the YouTube notification stating that I would be losing "nine (9)" subscribers. Up to that point, I believed I had zero subscribers.

I've been saying my content is being blocked on that platform for some time now. I understand that some subs may choose to stay private, but... 

To have 9 people subscribe to my channel and never receive a single notification that any of these 9 people subscribe seems a bit strange to me. 

Additionally, why does the data show that there are currently 9 subscribers but the analytics show a big fat goose egg? 

All nine trolls want to stay hidden from me, together, at the same time!? So let me get this right, 100 % of my channel subscribers coincidentally chose to not show themselves as subscribers on my channel!?

Enquiring Minds Want to Know: Is this a coincidence?

youtube algorythms explain the missmatch
(Click the image to enlarge it)
This is quite comical to me...I mean for real! The numbers just don't add up!

If those involved think I'm so stupid to believe that all 100% of those who subscribed to my channel are all choosing at the same time to remain unseen, then, they do well to stay hidden, because anyone who would choose to insult my intelligence to this degree should stay hidden.

If I'm wrong, make the image above make sense, as the evidence piles up. "0" subscribers and yet the data I was about to archive says otherwise. I don't care about the goose egg subscribers, but I am a bit perplexed by the discrepancies in the data. 

9Nine Today, How Many Tomorrow?

Another illusion. This is why you can't take life too seriously, and never believe what you see at face value. In the meantime, I'll choose to accept that 9 subscribers simply prefer to keep themselves hidden on my channel...WELCOME!

In my next article, I tackle the question: "Why Do People copy people they don't like and even hate?"
If you are an IT, please share and if you have thoughts on the next topic of doppelganger loving your stuff, feel free to comment.



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