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Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name

⚔️An Important Announcement

Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name

Hello, dear readers. I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing today to address a very serious issue that has recently come to my attention. It appears that someone has hacked into my email accounts, stolen my identity, and is creating fake profiles online, pretending to be me. This post is to clarify the situation, warn you about the fraudulent activities, and provide steps to verify my identity.

photo of Joan A Brown
The Situation

In the past year or so, and over the recent few months, I have been the victim of identity theft, cyberbullying, and attacks on my mental health. People from my past out for revenge, have gained unauthorized access to my email accounts and are using my personal information to create fake profiles on various social media platforms and the dark web. These profiles are posting crude and inappropriate content, which is not reflective of who I am. 

The Dark Web Connection

To make matters worse, I discovered that my hacked email account has been found on the dark web. This is deeply troubling, as the dark web is often used for illegal activities and further malicious intents. My name and personal information, which have never been associated with anything negative before, are now being slandered in the darkest corners of the internet.

What You Need to Know

1. I Am No Longer on Social Media:

Any profile claiming to be me on social media platforms or dating sites is fake. I have intentionally withdrawn from social media and most of my online presence for personal reasons. 

The only social media you'll legitimately find me (Joan A Brown) on currently is a private Facebook account and 'Page where I have a few public postings regarding my stolen identity and my experiences of being cyberbullied.

2. Fake Emails and Messages:

If you receive emails or messages from accounts claiming to be me or see images of me online claiming to be me, please be cautious. Verify the authenticity before responding, engaging, or assuming.

3. Content and Behavior:

Any crude, offensive, or inappropriate content purportedly from me is entirely false. These actions are taken by individuals misusing my identity to tarnish my reputation and to turn away as many people from me as possible.

4. Dark Web Activity:

Be aware that my information has been maliciously posted on the dark web. Any harmful information purportedly linked to me from these sources is completely false and hateful.

Steps You Can Take

1. Report Fake Profiles: If you come across any social media profiles claiming to be me, please report them to the platform immediately.

2. Verify Communication: If you receive any suspicious communication from someone claiming to be me, please reach out through my official channels or blog to verify its authenticity. 

3. Spread the Word: Share this blog post with others to help spread awareness about the situation and prevent further deception.

4. Stay Informed: Be aware of the risks associated with the dark web and understand that any negative information found there about me is part of this malicious attack from someone out for revenge because I rejected them.

5: Moving Forward: I'm seeking all necessary legal steps to address this situation and protect my identity. Your support and vigilance are invaluable to me during this challenging time. Thank you for understanding and for helping me clear my name.

Identity theft is a serious crime

Conclusion: Identity theft is a serious crime that affects not only the individual committing the injustice but also those connected to them. I appreciate your understanding and assistance in addressing this issue. Together, we can ensure that the truth prevails and those responsible are held accountable. Thank you for your support and trust.

Let me know in the comments box below if you know anything regarding this issue. What you share regarding this matter will be kept strictly confidential. You may also choose to contact us anonymously. Thank you.

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