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Guilty Until Proven Innocent | Justice for Joan

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Justice for Joan

Abuse of power? With great power comes great responsibility

The Truth That's Being Hidden

In November 2021 I was in a situationship with someone I thought I knew. After 8 months of living with this person, he came home inebriated one night and assaulted me. I called the local police because I feared for my life.

Consequently, they charged my attacker with two counts of assault and put in place a restraining order to keep this perpetrator away from me; at least this is what I was told. 

That same night, I was interviewed and witnessed a female officer writing down my statement. 
I was sent home and never heard another word unless I called or emailed to get answers, and even then I was told they knew nothing so there was nothing to report.

Kept in the Dark and treated as the Perpetrator

Shortly before I was to appear in court, I was contacted via email and given a court date. Subsequently, I was placed on the stand, asked a few questions without legal representation and sent home, never to hear anything about the outcome of this case; no phone calls, no updates, including no emails, no snail mail, nothing to let me know what is happening with the case or decisions made about the charges that were initially put in place...naddah!

I didn't commit any crime... unless speaking the truth is a crime... then, I guess I'm guilty.Joan A Brown

Several months later through my own investigation, I found out, to my shock and dismay, that my attacker got away scot-free with the charges against him and the case was closed yet there were no notifications or updates to allow me to defend myself in court.

Since finding out I was excluded from defending myself in court, all efforts exist to block me, my resources, and my online presence, to make sure no one ever learns of the lies and stories told to make sure so-called family members, so-called professionals, frenemies, as well as people known and unknown continue to get away with blocking me from getting the justice I deserve.

All this as they project themselves ruthlessly onto me to make certain no one ever finds out what truly happened behind the scenes to crucify and bury an innocent person so that a group of people can hide their crimes.

In this Lifetime or the Next...

This is matrix's so-called justice, but the Most High, God who is LOVE is not sleeping. In this lifetime or the next, in this generation, or their next, whether they are directly involved or indirectly connected to what was done to me, divine justice will prevail, whether I live to see it or not, the scales of "justice" will be balanced. That is not a threat. These are the promising words of the God of "Truth" and "Justice". 

Ameen Rah (a.k.a Joan A Brown)

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