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Showing posts from June, 2024

Guilty Until Proven Innocent | Justice for Joan

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Justice for Joan Abuse of power? With great power comes great responsibility The Truth That's Being Hidden In November 2021 I was in a situationship with someone I thought I knew. After 8 months of living with this person, he came home inebriated one night and assaulted me. I called the local police because I feared for my life. Consequently, they charged my attacker with two counts of assault and put in place a restraining order to keep this perpetrator away from me; at least this is what I was told.  That same night, I was interviewed and witnessed a female officer writing down my statement.  I was sent home and never heard another word unless I called or emailed to get answers, and even then I was told they knew nothing so there was nothing to report. Kept in the Dark and treated as the Perpetrator Shortly before I was to appear in court, I was contacted via email and given a court date. Subsequently, I was placed on the stand, asked a few question