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Showing posts from May, 2024

Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name

⚔️An Important Announcement Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name Hello, dear readers. I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing today to address a very serious issue that has recently come to my attention. It appears that someone has hacked into my email accounts, stolen my identity, and is creating fake profiles online, pretending to be me. This post is to clarify the situation, warn you about the fraudulent activities, and provide steps to verify my identity. The Situation In the past year or so, and over the recent few months, I have been the victim of identity theft, cyberbullying, and attacks on my mental health. People from my past out for revenge, have gained unauthorized access to my email accounts and are using my personal information to create fake profiles on various social media platforms and the dark web. These profiles are posting crude and inappropriate content, which is not reflective of who I am.  The Dark Web Connection To make matters worse, I discovered