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Guilty Until Proven Innocent | Justice for Joan

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Justice for Joan Abuse of power? With great power comes great responsibility The Truth That's Being Hidden In November 2021 I was in a situationship with someone I thought I knew. After 8 months of living with this person, he came home inebriated one night and assaulted me. I called the local police because I feared for my life. Consequently, they charged my attacker with two counts of assault and put in place a restraining order to keep this perpetrator away from me; at least this is what I was told.  That same night, I was interviewed and witnessed a female officer writing down my statement.  I was sent home and never heard another word unless I called or emailed to get answers, and even then I was told they knew nothing so there was nothing to report. Kept in the Dark and treated as the Perpetrator Shortly before I was to appear in court, I was contacted via email and given a court date. Subsequently, I was placed on the stand, asked a few question

Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name

⚔️An Important Announcement Protecting My Identity and Clearing My Name Hello, dear readers. I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing today to address a very serious issue that has recently come to my attention. It appears that someone has hacked into my email accounts, stolen my identity, and is creating fake profiles online, pretending to be me. This post is to clarify the situation, warn you about the fraudulent activities, and provide steps to verify my identity. The Situation In the past year or so, and over the recent few months, I have been the victim of identity theft, cyberbullying, and attacks on my mental health. People from my past out for revenge, have gained unauthorized access to my email accounts and are using my personal information to create fake profiles on various social media platforms and the dark web. These profiles are posting crude and inappropriate content, which is not reflective of who I am.  The Dark Web Connection To make matters worse, I discovered

The Power of Meditation to Revitalize Your Mind

   Did you know the practice of meditation can be traced as far back as 3000 BCE.? It's true! Ancient Vedic texts from India show that it was a big part of Ayurveda practices. Aside from India, early history meditation can also be traced back to ancient China where many meditation techniques commonly practiced today got their start. This post is going to dive into the scientifically proven benefits of meditation, shedding light on how this age-old practice can enhance your life today. The Transformative Power of Meditation Meditation is like a superpower for your brain. It’s all about training your mind to chill in the here and now, while also stirring up those feel-good vibes that take you to a whole new level. This ancient practice is like a gym workout for your mind. Stick with it, and you’ll get better at focusing and steering your thoughts in the direction you want. Lots of folks turn to meditation as their secret weapon for staying grounded and self-aware. Here are a few pers

Mastering Transmutation | Turning Negativity into Positivity

Transmutation in alchemy is the process of transforming one substance into another, typically turning base metals into gold. In a spiritual context, transmutation refers to transforming negative energies or emotions into positive ones. It involves shifting your mindset and energy to create positive life changes. Understanding Transmutation In the realm of alchemy, transmutation has long captivated the imaginations of seekers and scholars alike. Rooted in the ancient practice of transforming base metals into gold, it embodies the alchemist's pursuit of perfection and enlightenment. Yet, beyond the confines of the laboratory, transmutation takes on a deeper, more profound meaning—one that extends into the realms of spirituality and personal growth. The Alchemical Process Alchemy, often shrouded in mystery and mysticism, encompasses a myriad of principles and practices. At its core lies the belief in the interconnectedness of all things and the transformative power of the human spirit

You Will Be Humbled

Psalm 94 in the New World Translation delves into the theme of divine justice and serves as a poignant expression of the psalmist’s plea for assistance against the actions of the wicked. The psalmist contemplates the seeming impunity of evildoers while seeking solace in the belief that God (cited here as “Father-Mother God”), as the ultimate arbiter of justice, will rectify all wrongs. This psalm resonates with the assurance that despite the apparent triumph of the wicked, God intimately observes and comprehends their deeds, offering comfort to those who put their trust in His unwavering justice. O God of acts of vengeance, [ Father-Mother God ], O God of acts of vengeance, beam forth! Raise yourself up O Judge of the earth. Bring back a retribution upon the haughty ones. How long are the wicked, O [ Father-Mother God ], How long are the wicked themselves going to exult? They keep bubbling forth, they keep speaking unrestrained; All the practicers of what is hurtful keep bragging about

The Mystical Full Moon of January 25, 2024: A Beginner's Guide to Astrology

Understanding the Full Moon Astrology, the ancient practice of studying celestial bodies and their influence on human behaviour, has fascinated people for centuries. One of the most captivating celestial events is the full moon, which holds great significance across cultures and beliefs. On January 25, 2024, EST ; we will witness a powerful full moon in the zodiac sign of Leo that offers a unique opportunity for us to reflect on love, transformative passions,  and growth. In this beginner's guide to astrology, we will explore the meaning behind a full moon and how you can harness its energy for personal development. The full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun, illuminating the entire side facing Earth. This celestial event happens approximately once every 29.5 days, marking the completion of a lunar cycle. It is a time of heightened energy and illumination, symbolizing a culmination or climax of the intentions we set during the new moon phase. Energetic Influen